To Felix and BC:
I want you both to big step back, and literally
*through the comms systems* Why so angry? Is it because you fear seeing this place crumble like your pitiful Empire? Or are you mad because you couldn't stop two people?
*yells into comms "I'm mad because my app has been broken for a month, and wen I come back THIS happens. I had no idea that this would happen. *deep breath Also, the Empire was, like, 10 times the size of Edgewater. Smd fgt
10000000000 times*
And both are gone. What of it? You still fell. That was under Wilson, not me.
Who's Wilson?
Alexander Wilson. The Courier. [spoiler]Blackjack is another character. Wilson is long gone.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Ive been gone for a long time. I don't remember Wilson OR the Courier. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]the Courier was wilson, that was my original rp character from way back when.[/spoiler]