Does any who played this game remember the player built communities and towns? I thought it was one of the games most unique aspects, and to see what some groups of people were able to accomplish was just amazing.
Anyway, I don't know what got me to thinking about that but I was just reminiscing. Share your stories if you have them.
I miss it :( Swtor was shit compared to swg
The repopulation is a new mmo under development from an indie publisher. Supposed to be the closest thing to SWG since it was cancelled. I have played the alpha and it was rough but interesting. Maybe in the beta stage now. Can be picked up on steam I believe.
I miss hiding from bounty hunters to avoid loosing 130k xp if i died lol. Most fun ive had in any game was pre cu hunting dark jedi masters with my buddy for skill tapes....fights were so long we would have to change armor in the middle of the fight and have a doctor fly out to dathomir to rebuff us lol good times. I miss gorath
I really miss this's probably the best mmo I've ever played.
Lol that game...I was on bloodfin then transferred over to somewhere when they shutdown most of the other servers the community was friendly...for the most part. I remember my server trying to crash itself when they announced SWG was shutting down lol
Harvesters. Best crafting ever. Making 32's for friends out of the MASSIVE hordes of junk loot stashed at your player made house or neighborhood. Exar kun was a lot of fun as well.
Edited by Nivekash: 5/12/2015 1:57:15 PMI remember that game so fondly, bugs and nerfs and all. The fun but terrible siren that basically made only a few classes really dominate in pvp, melee being way better than ranged for same, the brutal slog to grind bounty hunter experience. And when they added space flight, getting my fett jetpack...I spent more hours than I could guess in that game and still miss it sometimes. Edited for phone typing.
Dagoba system
That game was amazing
I crashed a rpg wedding on kettemoor in naboo. Why you would flag in an role play event is beyond me :)