Yes, you know, I've heard purgatory isn't that bad.*a barrage of fire pillars hit you in the back and takes an arm off of you*
*the fire is absorbed into the right armm and disipates* you call yoruself a god? *a slim thrid arm rises from the shoulder with a eye on its palm* (the arm) Listen demon kid. learn to repsect your elders!. and dotn claim power hat doesnt belong to you. *the arm hides back* you shudl listen to him. In this palce you are No Go. you are jsut another fighter. You are an Icarus whose wings will be melt
Yes and you claim you are better than everyone, I'm absolutely tired of you.*an unknown force drags you into purgatory, no way out *
I dont i SImply Challenge them. unitl i i manage to best btoh myself and them.. *wlaks out of a fire ring, still Smoking* well you didnt lie. its a better place that I expected. *the arm rises again*(the arm) Better than when i was there sure thing. *both Laught* (both) and we are sick of you. YOu knwo. soemitmes i dont hate you. (arm) Same............ I still aitn giving you contorl (Arm) DARN! Now shut it Kido. You dont awanna learn and it appears you CANT learn. *a pillar of stone closses the Gates* come back when you are williing to Learn.
Yes, but I get the last laugh...*a blinding explosion disintegrates the gates* I could easily kill you right now, but I won't.
No you couldnt. Neither woudl I we are both equals. the only diference is that onyl you depend of demonic powers... NOw if you excuse me.. *draws a line with hsi feet on the ground* SALGE! (-blam!- off in Martain) *amutlitple columns of stone appear pucnhing you out of the DOjo and closing it again* AHAHAHHAHAAHHA!!!!!!!! I actually didnt expect that to work.
*dissolves the stone pillars* and you doubt a god of death?*multiple swords surround you* a shame it is.*the swords impale you, too fast to dodge and can't be absorbed, the swords turn black* next time... Stop doubting me.*the swords return to me and dissolve, you then black out, unconscious*
[spoiler]OP move. Too OP.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]he is the god of death, what would you Expect? And Salazar DESTROYS PLANETS no, let me take that back, punching a planet and killing billions is not op.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]True. Choose your words carefully. You just called yourself God. The last person who said that had....well....let's just say he got f#cked up. Then booted.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it is a part if my character, no worries, he barely fights unfairly anyway, Example: my fight with shadow yesterday.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]You tried to age SALAZAR to his death....[/spoiler]
[spoiler]nevermind, I will stop doing that now, sry.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]That was a fpor a Joek fatality not Canon[/spoiler]
*jumps back up* Oh how much that hurt............... or did it? *checks a pocket on his jacket and take sout a photo* NOPE still good. *places the photo back on hsi jacket* OH yeah you are such a scary god of death. Pffff.......... you are ntohgin but a priased reaper. we both know Mortymer is far mor epwoerfullt han you. He is jsut on vacatons and you taking his palce whiel. But this arm is one bigger mudderfacker *theaa rm grows and cover sina rock armor* THE HAND OF THE DEOM OF WAR ITSELF! you think you weak Magic can injure me. *summons a Huge greatsword an dwields it in a single hand* You are but Mortymers Place holder. WHen he comes back form his vacaiton with La catrina El tren vendra porti! *Impales the sword on the grond and laughts*
[spoiler]I realize you are a tank. But damn Sal. Kinda OP[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It was coutner not really trying. Notice when i use my tank i would cover myself with btoha rm or use a Energy shield nto jsut ignore damage. when he used a BS move i jsut COunter BSed[/spoiler]
*dissolves greatsword* I could say the say about you Salazar....*rips soul from your body and destroys it* but I was just going easy on you...
*loosk around* you didd SOmtethign. OH you tried to rip my soul. Oh sorry i dint feel a thing let me act as if that worked so your ego is comforted. *Lays on the ground and plyys death* No this aint working. *jumps back on his feet* you shoudl know that a War demon cna be jsut kileld by thsoe kidn of attacks. and thangs ot my corrupted soul ia m safe from Soul ripping, unl my Natural death that is.
*laughs* you think you are cute don't you? *ages you forward until you die*
[spoiler]I was told to check out this battle. And that is definatly God modding.[/spoiler]
*is still 33* you tired something on me? *summons a rock and sits over it* WHen you try soemtign i can actually be affected with call me? *lights upa paiep and starts reading a magazine* (the arm) Hey what you looking. OH GUns and glory? Yup i managed to save one of them. *reads alognside the arm*
Yes, you do that, I'll be over here reading a book aswell.*teleports to a tree and begins reading*
OK. *scrolls a page* (ARM) A New BFG 9000? Yup the BFG over 9000. we gotta get that. (both) With flames and skulls camo
*laughs* overused phrases....*begins reading H.P Lovecraft.*