English speaking country? Does the United States count? Is that the best argument you have? Really? Pretty damn sad.
You [i]can[/i] boast about other's failures. Let me learn ya something, dignity-filled prick! You don't have the medal, correct? Others didn't have it either, correct? [i][b]Correct.[/b][/i] So here's how it's boasting, since you can't seem to think outside what a standard definition shows you as an example: you're boasting [b][i]indirectly[/i][/b], you know what indirectly means I would hope, that you are equal to others, by pointing out that said others don't have the almighty medal that you can't obtain either. Recap for you, if you need it: [b][i]By pointing out that others didn't have the medal, you've boasted that you're as good as everyone else, even though it's indirect.[/i][/b] Unlike you, some of us have the intelligence to be able to use a word outside of it's example. I'm sorry if that's too much for you to comprehend, I'll try to explain it. If an algebra book shows that 2x+2x=2(x+x), that doesn't mean that 4x+2x doesn't equal 2(2x+x). Learn to go past examples or you'll never be anything more than just what's on the paper, buddy.
I dislike arguing with know-it-all losers, such as yourself, over the smallest things that they think ruins an argument, when said small thing had no real relation to my argument in the first place. Sadly, sometimes I feel as if it's a necessity, which is stupid.
You have no real counterargument with me, your attempt to change the subject is pitiful, just like every other losing argument on the internet.
Getting back to the real argument, now that it's been deterred [i]twice[/i] by your incomprehensibly immature attitude, you're boasting about yourself, even if it's indirect, which is lame. If you want to argue with me, tell me I'm wrong, tell me your not an ass, that it isn't lame of you. That's the real quarrel here, not you're idiotic "[i]look up boasting in the dictionary[/i]," or "[i]you obviously don't come from in English speaking country[/i]."
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