We ran both raids and used the following rules
1. everytime you die you take a shot
2. every wipe we all take a shot
3. every exotic drop we all take a shot
4. every successful raid we all take a shot
I havent been drunk in 12 years I cant hold my liquor but it was fun.
Everyone should try this!
Edit 1. Thanks guys! Might have to try this again with some modified rules. The NLB double shot is a good idea. Maybe a triple shot for a crux of crota.
I have another good reason to run the raids, or strikes for that matter, use them to learn things using the Journey Method. I learned the order of US Presidents and British Monarchs this way in about 10-15 minutes. (yes, minutes) You simply visualise each thing you want to remember at a specific point along a well known journey, as the strikes and raids are linear and repeat exactly, you can use them with no trouble, you can use the areas you are in, or even the spawn order of enemies. Make the image memorable in some way, and it will be so easily remembered you'll be amazed.