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originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
5/11/2015 11:58:18 AM

New to API's, need a little help

Hi guys, I'm relatively new to playing with APIs, and I'm trying to pull data from this endpoint, containing my own membership ID: Would anybody know how to use Python to pull the integer listed for 'progressionHash'? I've tried a number of different things, but I can't seem to nail it down. I figured it would be something like this: data['Response']['data']['characters']['levelProgression'][5]['currentProgress'] But that just yields an error. Would anyone with a little more experience be able to tell me what exactly I'm doing wrong? I'd love to get the syntax down for this.

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  • If you still cant find the problem [spoiler] The 'characters' holds an index for each character, you try to skip this part which will return the error of a undefined data part [/spoiler]

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    2 Replies
    • I've noticed in PHP that the some data is a FLOW variable, dont know if thats the case in Python as wel. If you cant acces "data['Response']['data']['characters']['levelProgression'][5]['currentProgress']" try to found out where it is going wrong. Check each step from start to finish. data - ? data['Response'] - ? data['Response']['data'] - ? eventually you'll see whats going wrong.

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