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5/11/2015 5:23:59 PM
I was using my characters as additional vault space before the increase, often leaving ~20% empty space for easier transfers next time I logged in. Then they released their statistics before rolling out the patch saying that only a very small percentage had no or next to no space in their vault. The day the patch came out I emptied my characters' excess into the vault and promptly ran out of space and I now make sure I leave it full most of the time so I don't contribute to them getting their numbers wrong again. There isn't enough weapon space for one of each exotic plus one of each raid weapon (I believe it falls short by three or four). If space doesn't increase with HoW then it will be back to packing excess items on my characters. And if space doesn't increase by the time Comet (or whatever they may call it) rolls around then I might have to just start getting rid of some of them. 'Twould be a sad day.

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