Have you ever had a six man feed before? If you have, what was it like and how did you do it?
Mine was in control with a shoulder dash through the air over a wall to a FoH on an A flag. Didn't even realize till I got 2 achievements and filled the feed with the FoH devastation. Probably the best crucible moment I'll ever have
I have, and I was about 1/2 a second off seventh column. I was on rusted lands approaching C heavy, the enemy had C and B so they all were going to the heavy ammo. I run in and kill 4 guys with a fist of havoc, the other 2 die to aftermath. I pick up the ammo and behold, a sunbro has RAGE -REZZED. I pull out my against all odds and burn him, but being the idiot I am, I tryed to finish him of with a punch, and get insta meleed :(