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Hi All,
I'm pretty new to this API business here but i've been dabbling a little with some of the queries you can run without an API key.
I'm using the activityhistory endpoint
If you look at row 2 and 3 ( 1 and 2 for us programmers counting from 0 ) You'll see the omnigul nightfall listed twice for the same date (4/28). Both say complete, but obviously row 3 (or 2 if counting from zero) was a death which sent me back to orbit.
The only difference i see in data values is the "completionReason". one says "0" which i think is the one that was actually completed and the other says "2"
Can someone please elaborate?
So far it looks like a completed nightfall must have a completed of 1 and a completionReason of 0.
So i searched through the manifest for any json relating to %completion% and found a hit in the world_sql_content.destinyHistoricalStatsDefinition table
"statName":"Completion Reason",
Unfortunately, this doesn't help me figure out what the different values mean. Interesting to note that both "0" and "255" are not in the modes array which are both completionReasons i've seen in the past.
Maybe i'm barking up the wrong tree or trying to reinvent the wheel but I just want to know if a nightfall or a weekly was completed in the current [destiny] week.
What i'm doing now is using the activityHistory end point with a nightfall filter.
foreach (activityrow) {
if (activity period < last tuesday) {
if (complete = 1 && completionReason = 0) {
Nightfall successfully completed
} else {
Nightfall failure, continue to next row
The completionReason value probably relates to an enumeration of sorts. You might be able to find it in the content scripts on bungie.net which display game histories (assuming it exists).