By philosophers I am referring to people who actually study philosophy via a university, and the like. What do you study, what's your favorite field of philosophy and why? I have studied Descartes, Jean-Luc Marion, a bit of Plato, as well as some phenomenology.
Confucius he say, [i]Philisophy is the asshole of the soul[/i]
Not a philosophy major (lol) but I took plenty of classes. Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Mills, Marx, Plato, Kierkegaard, Machiavelli. And some training in formal logic. Done quite a bit of Nietzsche, Lenin, and Zizek (god bless) reading on my own. Formal logic, epistemology, and political and social philosophy is kind of my jam, as you can tell from above. I find ethics and metaphysics boring, which is part of the reason I won't bother reading Kant and Aristotle.
U missed Metacognition by a couple of months. He is with Septagon now.
U wot m8
The only philosophers here are the ones of the armchair variety...
I studied Socrates I didn't really