You see those little games based on your initials all the time, I thought I'd make one for exotic weapons. Step right up and see what you get!
[b]Step 1: Choose a weapon class:[/b] Primary, Special, or Heavy. This is the only step where you get to make an independent decision.
[b]Step 2: Decide your fate:[/b] Your choice in the previous step will change how you go through the next step (to avoid getting the same name all the time). If you picked [b]primary[/b], you will use your [b]first and last initials[/b]. If you picked [b]secondary[/b], you will use your [b]initials backwards[/b]. If you picked [b]heavy[/b], you will use your [b]middle initial[/b], followed by the [b]first alphabetical character in your name[/b].
[b]Step 3: Set it in stone:[/b] Now that you know which two letters you will use, optionally choose a prefix from the list or opt out, and then find the letters in the list of names below. This is now your new weapon's name! Just for fun, the poll bars can represent the weapon's stats, so feel free to click on a random poll option to contribute.
[i]If there are two options, you can pick either. You can also turn any word plural if you wish. Anything in parenthesis can be kept or omitted[/i]
Optional Prefixes: The/A/My
A- Final/The Last
B- *Your Favorite Color*
C- Enforcer of/Enforcer's
D- Shining
E- Dark
F- Everlasting
G- Queen's
H- Thundering
I- Sexy
J- Lunar
K- Savage
L- Flying
M- -Blam-ing
N- Magician's
O- Cheeky
P- Seventh
Q- Overwhelming
R- Heart of/Heartless
S- Silver
T- Phogoth's/Omnigul's/Crota's
U- Strange and Unnecessarily Complicated
V- Prime
W- Mr./Mrs.
X- Fabulous
Y- Potato's
Z- *None*
A- Longsword
B- Constitution
C- Baron
D- (Magic) Wand
E- Chaos
F- Verdict
G- Potato
H- Fury
I- Virus
J- Gunshark
K- Bastard
L- Stone
M- Cocktail
N- Wife
O- Stardust
P- Butt/Buttocks
Q- Q
R- Circle
S- Destruction
T- *The object on your right*
U- Light
V- Time/Timelord
W- Holy Hand Grenade
X- Fire
Y- (and) Extremely long metal pole with a rotten potato at the end
Z- Child/Children/Kid
Example: I'll pick a sniper rifle, that's a special weapon so I'll use my last initial followed by my first initial:
NA= Magician's Longsword
I was hoping for wand since it would make more sense, but still sounds good for a sniper. :)
Let's see what everyone else ends up with!
MY EXOTIC IS THE FREAKING QUEEN'S POTATO! XD! Best primary exotic name ever.