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5/12/2015 1:07:25 AM


To my knowledge, we reached 20,000 points in a control game faster than anyone has before, 3 minutes and 47 seconds. Enjoy!

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  • Man! Wish I could play a few games against your team but I'm on the box. Your tlw game is on point. Same with sniping gg

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    • I won a control match in about 1 second. The other team left beifre it really started so we got the win!

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    • Edited by MrChipsSWYS: 5/13/2015 6:07:36 AM
      Can't believe the hate... All I saw was good tactics. Wouldn't mind giving you a rumble game sometime ;-) Obviously I'd probably lose but that's the only way I improve haha

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        I finished a skirmish match in 0:01 the other team leftʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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      • I believe I've been in the other teams shoes. Take two steps... Die... Rinse repeat X 25.

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      • Was that third eye on TLW? Or am I just going crazy.

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        • This can't be real. You play on PS4. All the kiddies know Xbox is where the best pvpers are. [spoiler]just kidding you guys are good[/spoiler]

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          • Nice to see theres other colorblind gamers.

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          • Nah 0:03 the other team left and we got the win ;)

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            • Edited by JAWSH: 5/12/2015 7:04:49 PM
              Meh. That's what happens when you spawn trap randoms. Lol CMON BATMAN TO THE NEXT THREAD!

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            • very nice! wished video recording also caught voice chat. would've been interesting to hear the match conversation.

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              • Breh sweat with me some time already ok?

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                • Nice bro.

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                  • I am by no means an average PVPer. I would consider myself to be mediocre at best. A player once talked about how well the match making system is in crucible. This is clearly an example of a completely unbalanced matchup. You're highly coordinated efforts just amplified your decimation of this weak team. You all have to look at the match made here. I looked at some of the opposing group you were facing and they are not in the same league as you. This is where crucible's matching system becomes severely faulty. I would much rather see your group go up against a group of similar skill but it seems at times the match system doesn't know what to do when you have a full fireteam of 6 running together. What's more bothersome is they had a few players with positive KDs and yet they barely play any crucible. How can you match up a team of noobs against a group of hardcore vets? I would be more impressed if this match was done with an evenly matched bunch. If this is what is to be expected in TOS then you folks wont have much of a challenge on your hands. You will end up being grouped with mediocre players like myself and never match with someone that is just as good as you. Noobs need to face off with noobs. Mediocre need to battle with mediocre. Highly skilled need to be paired off with the alike. I only say this because getting constantly matched up against better players and destroyed like this will never allow these green guardians to even grow. They will just say f#@k this and give up. The interesting thing about other PVP games is you can choose which lobby and players you want to play against. If you get matched up with a highly skilled group and lose you can move on. Unfortunately, Destiny will keep throwing you back to the same group depending on the circumstances. You will have to either wait like 5 minutes or ride out the wave of absolute f@ckery until Destiny says "ohh you guys suck we should probably pair you up with someone on your level." Meanwhile your group will get paired with another set of randoms for you to take your domination even further. You guys are great and I have no problem with the tactics or weapons that are used. I just find it off putting that the match system pairs you up with a bunch green crucible players. Aren't you guys bored of playing against guardians that lack the kind of exp you all have? When I see videos of players getting 40+ kills there is always a constant variable in most of the videos. They all contain crucible players that are low leveled or have little to no experience in the crucible. Of course they are going to get rekt. They don't know the maps and where to create pressure. They don't know which capping points are the most effective as well. Not to mention they probably haven't figured out which weapon suits them best in the crucible yet. Last word. In the stream of TOS they mentioned that players will be matched up based on their internet connectivity. So now your gap will be narrowed to how well your connections mesh and skill won't even be a prerequisite. Congratulations to your crew. You'll be wearing that Egyptian gear before the thing even starts. Great stuff and teamwork. I would like to see a video of your team losing now. Not because of jealousy or envy. I want to see it because that opposing team would probably be on your level and that would be a match worth watching for 12 minutes. Heck I might even root for you guys!

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                    • I hate to run into you guys. Am I the only one that when I'm smashing on noobs that bad. I start getting a little sympathetic, and tone down the rekt a little bit, but I play casually. So..

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                    • Nah 10 sec I got that one. But the other team lagged out soooooo

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                    • I thought it was rick, it wasn't rick. Was disappointed but the match made up for it. Great job

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                      • Damn, the haters are out in force today.

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                        • Very cool

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                        • You created a lot of jealousy. Nice work.

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                            Reply plis?

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                            • Nice, the got wreked

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                            • Are you on Xbox one?

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                              • This kind of match is why this game needs some kind of Mercenary playlist. Randoms going up against a co-ordinated fireteam is unfair.

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                                • Impressive scoreline but I'm not a fan of the spawn trapping. however your clan is pretty good even though u were up against some pretty awful randoms

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                                  • Fake! [spoiler]JK, Superb Performance [/spoiler]

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