You all should be asking for bigger, more open maps instead of weapon nerfs.
I have never played a single game of PvP but I hear players complaining about map size being too small. Maybe bigger maps would be a better option than nerfing every weapon that players feel are OP. Halo had great maps that required all ranges of weapon types. You should be crying for better maps not weapon nerfs.
There was a great map in the original Halo that got recycled and redesigned in the sequels, Blood Gulch. It was a huge, open map that also had several areas where shotguns were King. There were these small cave-like tunnels on the borders where one wrong move got you a shotgun slug to the chest. Its openness allowed for greater use of rifles. While the game types like CTF, also incorporated the mid-range weapons. It also had tons of vehicles which made rocket launchers an important weapon type. Man, that was a great map.
Sidewinder was another excellent map that was perfect for all weapon types despite it being a very large map. Shit that game had some great maps.
TL;DR - Bigger maps, no nerfing. Halo maps were awesome.
[quote]You all should be asking for bigger, more open maps instead of weapon nerfs. I have never played a single game of PvP but I hear players complaining about map size being too small. Maybe bigger maps would be a better option than nerfing every weapon that players feel are OP. Halo had great maps that required all ranges of weapon types. You should be crying for better maps not weapon nerfs. There was a great map in the original Halo that got recycled and redesigned in the sequels, Blood Gulch. It was a huge, open map that also had several areas where shotguns were King. There were these small cave-like tunnels on the borders where one wrong move got you a shotgun slug to the chest. Its openness allowed for greater use of rifles. While the game types like CTF, also incorporated the mid-range weapons. It also had tons of vehicles which made rocket launchers an important weapon type. Man, that was a great map. Sidewinder was another excellent map that was perfect for all weapon types despite it being a very large map. Shit that game had some great maps. TL;DR - Bigger maps, no nerfing. Halo maps were awesome.[/quote] Thorn needs its range looked at ars need there buff . Vex needs to be restored to day one .