"How about tackle a lesser demon?"
*winks and stands up offering you hand to help you up, knowing that you will most likely decline*
*takes your hand* Fine, your turn to pick one
"Well I'm unsure of more demons but there is a very angry giant cyclops that's been reeking havoc that I know of?" *pulls you up, but doesn't let go of your hand when you are standing*
*notices* Ready when you are
*leads you by the hand out of the forest, the landscape opens up to a large wide open field. In the very far distance pass a few farms you see what appears to be a small hole in one of the rolling green hills.*
*sees hole in the hills* Wh-what is that?! Is that the creature??? *turns to look at you* *you notice my hand starts to go cold and my eyes having a hint of a red hue*
"He terrorizes the local villagers and kills all the live stock for fun.. What are you thinking?"
"Kills all the livestock" *this enfuriates the hell out of me* *turns into gargoyle, flies towards the beast*
*pushes out wings of my own, draws dual short swords* "Go for his eye and Achilles tendon. Should slow him down enough get a deep clean cut at his nape. That will be the kill shot."
*breathes fire straight into his eye, while still flying towards it* I'm gonna fly into his eye!!
*the cyclops begins swatting at you. His eye alone is 7 ft wide. His hands the size of small cars* *I swoop towards his left heel making a gash with both of my swords* *he staggers back and lets out a subsonic growl, there is loud ominous rustling and groans coming from his cave* "Uh Julie we might have company.."
Edited by JulieCakes: 5/12/2015 10:28:51 PM*i struggle to not get hit, and manage to fly into his eye while you slash his legs* Eww eww eww eww!!! *fly out through the back of his head* Uhh... *looks down* i need to wash up
*as the cyclops drops, bloodily massacred, 3 flaming hell hounds 4 times the size of us come bustling out of the cave. Seeing their master slain drives them to instantly come at us jaws snapping* "That might have to wait.. I'll get the two on the right. Sound good?"
Uhh... i have to wash up now. And also, i dont kill animals.
*the hounds trample a herd of 50 sheep on their way to try and kill us* *now speeding closer and covered in blood they release a demonic howl* "Even now? I could use your help.."
Those bastards!!! *turns into gargoyle, digs claws into chest, rips chest open... a powerful beam of pure light projects infinitely into the sky. Burning the faces of the 2 hellhounds (with light.)*
*while all that hubbub is going on I chuck lighting spears at the other one* "Thanks Julie.. I had fun with you today.."
*collapses* Yeah, me too. . . *breathing heavily*
*picks you up* "You want to shower now? My place is a lot closer than yours."
Yeah, sure.
[spoiler]ulcaM saw bar footage[/spoiler] "You sure this would be Ok with your husband?"
I'm only going to shower... [spoiler]did he talk to you?? Lol[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yes.. He did[/spoiler] "Well Ok if you say so." *carries you to my house*
*clocks in to work* [spoiler]I'll reply when i can, and I'll also go see that convo when i can[/spoiler]
[spoiler]its in the bar[/spoiler]
[spoiler]ok see you around[/spoiler]