you wake up and you are a president, what will you do?
Take a picture of my butt and show it to some kind of terrorist.
Raise the requirements of getting a teaching degree and require psyche evaluations?
No homework!!!
Fire all the elected officials and replace them with the people who were in lowest places in life economically. The people who suffer the most in terms of finances have a better understanding of the real world than the wealthy politicians who talk to talk.
[i]"Wipe the slate clean, burn it down!"[/i]
Wonder why people voted someone who is still in school to be president.
Monica Lewinski
Make every game ever cross console multiplayer. SHUT UP MICROSOFT YOUR OPINION MEANS NOTHING!
Make you go back to work
Change the United state to United Freedom Fighter U.F.F [spoiler]I shall be the greatest president ever.[/spoiler]
[quote]you wake up and you are a president, what will you do?[/quote] Reevaluate those on SSI and remove ADHD as a reason to get an SSI check. Those deemed crazy enough for SSI would be put in a Looney bin and never be let out. I am sick of paying those salaries because they are too lazy to get a job.
Lift all gun bans
Nuke the Middle East
I was reading this with my friend: I say "Legalize gay marriage. Among other things." She says "I wanna fuk the Statue of Liberty!!!"
Abolish stupidity in the US, may take a while but they will get there in the end
Step down from my presidency.
Start a nuclear war to have an excuse of why am I wearing a bandana outside without having people looking at me like I'm weird.
[u][b]/!\[/b][/u]Be advised. Open if you wish to read. Don't open if you value your 'if I was king' plans more. [spoiler]In my case, president is not the rank of the local highest authority. Regardless, I would set in motion: -Fixing all local and large-scale problems by directly addressing the rich everywhere to promote equality by providing everyone with currency and allowing the homeless (depending if they are drug addicts, etc... or not) to work in their places. -Fix education, make it simpler and easier to understand. Augment exams to reflect modern society (more freedom of answers?). -Set in motion a chain reaction that would disable non-renewable energy/fuel businesses, forcing newer, reusable, renewable solutions into the sunlight a few years early. -Directly intervene in local public spaces and ask for suggestions personally. I would then combine them into a set of new plans for the next party to enact in the least expensive way. -Augment the system of votes so that only parties with realistic and executable objectives can claim. Votes from areas will dictate what is enforced where, replacing named individuals with actions that would affect them immediately and eventually. -Declare that people with enough money to build at least a £500 house are allowed to build, if they have evidence that they can. |Said homes would be allowed to be sold for at most 10-times mentioned price. Minimum would be the build cost. -Tear down and rebuild vital foundations (social constructs, that sort of thing). Remove most taxes that render homeless homeless. Create rich-only tax that will affect companies and people earning more than enough (varies based on local prices for highest priced products). -When reign is over, ensure that the party I ended up being part of stays in, only to ensure that future elected parties don't loose courage to break from 'resetting' everything to "android hell".[/spoiler]
Turn up
Take a presidential poo.
Sex with the first lady
Bust a nut in the oval office.
Fire 50% of the government then cut salaries by 50% . After that bring all military home. Then cut the power the government has then resign
Make an amendment that abolishes government.