Last time I got in a taxi with you I think we went to McDonalds and you tried to run me over
yeah but now I'm back [i]bitch[/i] 1v1me rust
It'll be your pleasure to die by my hand [spoiler]you lvl 1 noob bitch[/spoiler]
*takes out dual Halo 1 Magnums* *opens fire*
*turns into gargoyle* *is shot twice, takes flight* You ever fought a gargoyle before??? *fire breathes at your direction*
*takes cover behind taxi* shitshitshitshit *takes out homing missile* *locks on and fires* take that
*flies around a nearby pillar* *charges at you* You pathetic weakling
*impales with 9 foot spear* *unloads automatic shotgun while OP is stuck*
*is impaled, spear gets stuck on the ground, i don't move* *you notice my skin drying up and turning into rock*
achievement unlocked *puts on shades* *takes selfie with slayed gargoyle* *plants C4* *walks away and blows it up*
*pulls spear out* Pff... lvl1 noob...
wat no it can't be *calls Chris Pratt* *takes command of velociraptor herd* ATTACK!