Declare the second Tuesday of every month Taco Tuesday. Basically make it a federal holiday, and one that people can skip work with pay.
Why? Because I'm the goddamn President, that's why.
Thank you, thank you. WITH LIBERTY, AND TACO TUESDAY FOR ALL! Smarkdow for 2016. Spread the word. [spoiler]<3[/spoiler]
this is why I love you
Bby, you and I could run the country and be an inspiration to everyone just by how much we love each other. Taco Tuesday is only the beginning.
ughhhh I love you!
I love you too. [i]I'm Damien Smarkdow, and I approve of this message.[/i] [spoiler]♡[/spoiler]
[quote]Declare the second Tuesday of every month Taco Tuesday. Basically make it a federal holiday, and one that people can skip work with pay. Why? Because I'm the goddamn President, that's why.[/quote]