Just want to see where the community is at. I would have preferred Phogoth, because we haven't seen him since March. It is kinda frustrating to know that Bungie, um, talks about variety, but really, we had Omnigul 2 weeks ago. I'm still gonna do it because, hey, I need the coins for ammo.
Edit corrected last time Phogoth was in town.
Edit: Check these out concerning Phogoth and Omnigul
I bought a Thunderlord from Xur, but at first wasn't a huge fan of it at first. Maxed it anyways, and glad I did. Made this strike (with arc burn) go by much faster. I kept spraying her with bullets while a friend hit her with rockets and another stayed safe and kept reviving (no we didn't do the cheese), and she went down in about 3 minutes. I had a good team on both my runs this morning and actually enjoyed it.