"Of that you will see in time. Of the reason of why I hold this pain, you will know in time. But now is the time for reclamation, not inquiries."
*nods* well then, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us old friend
"Mmm... Yes. I can't wait either."
Well then, I should be off, next time I see Alex, il let him know that he is now a member
Edited by Chinkronomicon: 5/12/2015 10:03:34 PM"I told you. I'm not a Lieutenant, and you still need to test him. As it is dojo law." [spoiler]He made a post above. Test him there. Never mind, Pants is there.[/spoiler]
Don't worry, il be testing him once he's a member, I wish to see how well he can defend himself from the dragon king
"Take it easy. Let him settle into things first... Don't let Pride get to you, even though you host it."
Relax, il only be using my buster sword, using my fierce deity power would be overkill
"Hm. A false god... But I will judge that myself later."
Now why do you keep going on about "a false god" I've not once called myself one
[spoiler]You have. When talking to Pants about a deity, when I was lurking with the Homunculus account... You did. And I speak in philosophical double meanings, so I sometimes refer to "inner beings" as false gods because sometimes people say they are one. [/spoiler] "Maybe it is a god. But gods can only do so much when put on the level of man..."
[spoiler]huh, can't find it[/spoiler] Man, for someone younger then me, you sure act hella older
*smiles through gas mask* "Who said I was younger?"
*chuckles* you forget, even though my body is young, my mind isn't