*starts punching a DUmmy*
You know i think i should pass on some of my techniques.
I will be teaching some of my tehcniques (but no signature moves eample: Alpha punch)
Ask me if you wish to learn.
My sister will also be teahcing but due to (insert plot here) you cant use both in the same combat.
(more to be added as I make up more)
Salazar (heavy damaging techniques deadly chained but have a 2 to 4 turn cooldown)
Charge (bonus damage no cooldown cna be used 3 tiems )
Mountain stand (Heavy dfense reduces mobility while used can be held as pleased but 3 truns between uses)
Counter (instantly reflects any melee attack 3 turn cooldown)
Bizon axe. (a axe kick/dash comibnation allowsing to clsoe the gap whiel delaing damage 2 turns)
Dragon jump (flaming upercut gaining height 4 turns)
Alpha rumbler (A medium ranged shockwave, trips enemies. 4 turn cooldown)
Anna (low damage but quick moving attack wiht small cooldowns)
blink (short but quick teleport 1 turn cooldwon, every 3 uses most have a 4 turn cooldown)
Moon kick (a bell kcik sends enemies into air, depending their weight. 1 turn)
thunder Elbow (quick elbow strike stuns light enemies 1 trun)
Alpha shark (sends a underground porjectile that tracks itse nemy)
Dont worry that much. Us martian recover blood far faster than regular humans. And the closer i am to die the strimonger i become.
Hmm, what did you do on Mars? You never did tell me.
Before the war? An engineer
Neat... Wait, a war? I remember you talked with some people about that, what was that all about?
Venus and MArs had a conflcit. and i woudl ahve my debts payed if i signed up. kidna changed ym whoel life
Hey, I lived on Venus for a while. Can't remember about it at all.
Heh. how many years ago. the war ended 3 years ago. btu i remember the USNC did most of venus dirty work
20 years until... 3 years ago.
Well. imposiblee oyu hadnet heard of it. they where preparing to celbrate victory before me and my squad had strck on venus. i dotn believe you on this. THat was an all out Masacre thanks to Venus involving the UNSC.
I don't quite remember. I DO remember waking up under a pile of bodies with a screaming headache. I yelled, and bullets ripped up the pile of bodies I was in.
then you must have lived where we struck. the captiaal of Vanus most improtant city. destoryed melted and mascred by THe Nova 7 squad.
Nova-7... That sounds familiar...
the chemical trooper squad from Mars that single ahdned destoryed one of Venus most improtatn cities. Leaded by the Capitan Eva Salazar..... my deasesed wife
*at the words chemical trooper, I leap away, rip off a piece of cloth from my cloak, and cover my face, then dive on the floor* GO UNDER THE GAS! BREATHE ONLY WHEN NEEDED, AND DON'T PLAY DEAD! THEY SHOOT YOU ANYWAY! YOU'LL BE CORRODED AWAY IF YOU DIE! *pulls out an old Venus styled submachine gun and fires in random directions*
*Leap an punches you to the ground*
*rolls backward to avoid, and you are sprayed by the wild bullets* THOM! GET AWAY FROM THERE! DON'T LIE DOWN SON! THey... ... *falls over*
*ENergy shield blocked the shots* DAMM IT! *pucnhes hi chest with both hands ath the same time* *grabs and pulls both arm while pushing him with the leg to uncapacitate the arms*
*my arms crack, and I fly against the floor. No reaction otherwise*
damm with this kid. *leaves a stipack for when he awakes and walks away*
*is still awake* Th-...Thom...
*notices* WHo might that be.........
... No one anymore.
hmm. must have been a good erson. but good or bad death doesnt care
Long... Long story...
a sad one from the tone of your voice