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Edited by Legend of Jordy: 7/2/2016 12:50:31 AM

Faction Subclass Specilizations #Concept

New Monarchy


Dead Orbit


Future War Cult


(None of these factions)


[i]Tension rises once again among the three leading factions despite a year of peace in the City. Seek one of the faction representatives to be recruited for specialized training towards a specific subclass.[/i] [b]Striker[/b] | Arc Titan [quote][b]At close quarters a fist is better than any gun.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Paladin[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by the New Monarchy, these Titans are masters of the Flank. They are sent into the midst of the enemy to cut the opposition into separate groups, creating disorder, making them easy to conquer. [quote][b]Overcharge[/b] Each kill with Fist of Havoc charge the user with a portion of over shield.[/quote][quote][b]Endangered[/b] Gain slight damage resistance when nearby multiple enemies.[/quote][quote][b]Arc Protection[/b] Take less damage from Arc explosions.[/quote] [u][b]Champion[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Titans specialize in hand to hand combat. Dead Orbit sends these warriors with one purpose, interrogation. [quote][b]Half Blast[/b] Fist of Havoc recharges faster at the cost of a significantly reduced radius.[/quote][quote][b]Knockout[/b] Targets hit with Storm fist have a chance to go blind for a brief period of time.[/quote][quote][b]Titan Codex VII[/b] Training Focused on pure Armor.[/quote] [u][b]Renegade[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by the Future War Cult, these Titans are made for air assault. They can be dropped off at key locations battle ready, making them leaders in invasion. [quote][b]Crash Landing[/b] Fist of Havoc increases its damage depending on the amount of fall time the user goes through.[/quote][quote][b]Shock Trooper[/b] Aim quicker after falling a great height, take less fall damage.[/quote][quote][b]Arc Channel[/b] Deal increased damage using Arc weapons.[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Defender[/b] | Void Titan [quote][b]The wall which the Darkness breaks.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Warden[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by New Monarchy, these Titans harness their power to turn a known safe zone into a graveyard. New Monarchy primarily use these Titans as their frontline of defense. [quote][b]Annihilation Field[/b] Enemies who pass through Ward of Dawn receive damage over time while inside. [/quote][quote][b]Bulletproof[/b] Take less damage from precision shots.[/quote][quote][b]Void Protection[/b] Take less damage from Void explosions.[/quote] [u][b]Gallant[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Titans are outstandingly efficient in search and rescue missions. Do not underestimate them or you will soon find their mobility lethal. [quote][b]Escort[/b] Ward of Dawn becomes mobile and follows the caster until (B) is toggled. [i](Ward of Dawn's duration is shortened during mobility)[/i][/quote][quote][b]Jouster[/b] Increases melee damage while Force Barrier is active.[/quote][quote][b]Titan Codex VII[/b] Training focused on pure Armor.[/quote] [u][b]Dragoon[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by the Future War Cult, these Titans are at the heart of every firefight. They have few allies on the battlefield which is a bad thing if you're not one of them. [quote][b]Watchtower[/b] Bullets can be fired out of Ward of Dawn but suffer a massive reduction to their range and impact.[/quote][quote][b]Dauntless[/b] Aim easy under fire.[/quote][quote][b]Void Channel[/b] Deal increased damage using Void weapons.[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Gunslinger[/b] | Solar Hunter [quote][b]A lone wolf who lives for the perfect shot.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Outlaw[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by New Monarchy, these Hunters go lone wolf into the darkness zones to further refine their abilities. Unless they are called upon, they will continue training. [quote][b]Reflex[/b] Tapping (B) during Golden Gun instantly turns around the user 180 degrees.[/quote][quote][b]No Scope[/b] Reloading grants bonus hip-fire accuracy for a short period of time.[/quote][quote][b]Solar Resistance[/b] Take less damage from direct Solar attacks.[/quote] [u][b]Ranger[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Hunters serve as the faction's scouts. They're constantly venturing into the unknown until they have found something of interest to Dead Orbit. [quote][b]Cheap Shot[/b] Golden Gun recharges much faster but only fires one round and lasts half as long.[/quote][quote][b]Scavenge[/b] Missed Throwing Knives can be retrieved to reset your melee cooldown.[/quote][quote][b]Way of the Runner[/b] Training focused on pure Agility.[/quote] [u][b]Archer[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Future War Cult, these Hunters prove exceptionally accurate and are known able to hit the smallest targets by pinpoint. They are well known to be positioned as snipers for the Future War Cult. [quote][b]Marksman[/b] Golden Gun now deals increased damage during precision hits.[/quote][quote][b]Focus Sight[/b] Each precision shot when zoomed in increases the impact and stability of the next round for a short period of time.[/quote][quote][b]Solar Imprint[/b] Kinetic weapons deal Solar damage by default.[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Bladedancer[/b] | Arc Hunter [quote][b]Beautiful lethality, relentless style.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Operative[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by New Monarchy, these Hunters are the factions eyes and ears. They serve as spies and go widely unrecognized even by New Monarchy executives. [quote][b]Cheat Death[/b] If you take fatal damage during Arc Blade, the super ends and you receive invisibility with a sliver of health.[/quote][quote][b]Covert[/b] Camouflage abilities display less visibility when crouching.[/quote][quote][b]Arc Resistance[/b] Take less damage from direct Arc attacks.[/quote] [u][b]Rogue[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Hunters are retrieval experts. They are often sent deep into enemy territory to gather data or to steal valuable artifacts. [quote][b]Illusionist[/b] Each slice with Arc Blade evasively blinks the caster towards the target instead of lunging towards the target.[/quote][quote][b]Pursuit[/b] Casting Blink Strike after diving towards an enemy greatly increases the distance Blink Strike can reach.[/quote][quote][b]Way of the Runner[/b] Training focused on pure Agility.[/quote] [u][b]Assassin[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Future War Cult, these Hunters eliminate any and every single threat the Future War Cult discovers. They specialize in taking down even the largest of opponents. [quote][b]Eviscerate[/b] Deal more damage with each consecutive hit on a single target with Arc Blade.[/quote][quote][b]Tracker[/b] After a precision shot on a target when zoomed, gain a significant increase to target acquisition.[/quote][quote][b]Arc Imprint[/b] Kinetic weapons deal Arc damage by default[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Voidwalker[/b] | Void Warlock [quote][b]Those who have stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Scholar[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by New Monarchy, these Warlocks dedicate most of their time to the study of Light. They are the great minds of strategy and diplomacy for the New Monarchy. [quote][b]Warp[/b] After casting Nova Bomb, the caster is teleported to its point of collision.[/quote][quote][b]Life Pouch[/b] Energy Drain depletes when you are near death and immediately starts regenerating your health.[/quote][quote][b]Void Resistance[/b] Take less damage from direct Void attacks.[/quote] [u][b]Zephyr[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Warlocks maintain the peace throughout the system. They seek enlightenment through non-aggression and cooperation. [quote][b]Harvest[/b] The less kills you get with Nova Bomb, the more super energy is refunded. [i](Zero kills will refund 25%, one kill will refund 10%, two kills will refund 5%)[/i][/quote][quote][b]Reave[/b] Targets hit with Energy Drain become silenced for a brief period of time.[/quote][quote][b]Hidden Order[/b] Training focused on pure Recovery.[/quote] [u][b]Shadow[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Future War Cult, these Warlocks seek lost and forbidden techniques to master their Void light abilities. [quote][b]Singularity[/b] Nova Bomb increases its impact the further it travels.[/quote][quote][b]Fade[/b] Become torn by realities after a short period of time during slow movement in which projectiles have a chance to pass through you without inflicting damage.[/quote][quote][b]Void Imprint[/b] Kinetic weapons deal Void damage by default.[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Sunsinger[/b] | Solar Warlock [quote][b]There are flames that even the Darkness cannot extinguish.[/b][/quote][spoiler] [u][b]Phoenix[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by New Monarchy, these Warlocks are the scourge of all impurity. They are tasked to exterminate the remaining traces of opposition. [quote][b]Sacred Ash[/b] Activating Radiance ignites nearby enemies with a burn effect.[/quote][quote][b]Incinerate[/b] Enemies ignited by any of your burn effects inflict less damage to you.[/quote][quote][b]Solar Protection[/b] Take less damage from Solar explosions.[/quote] [u][b]Shaman[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Dead Orbit, these Warlocks purpose themselves for the aid of their allies. Their presence does not go unnoticed by friend or foe. [quote][b]Healing Touch[/b] Teammates hit with Scorch during Radiance replenish some health.[/quote][quote][b]Heat Wave[/b] Scorch activates on targets from further ranges at the expense of impact.[/quote][quote][b]Hidden Order[/b] Training focused on pure Recovery[/quote] [u][b]Zealot[/b] Specialization[/u] Trained by Future War Cult, these Warlocks weaponize their vertical mobility. Their ability to access new depths allow them to command any battlefield. [quote][b]Skyward[/b] Glide and Angel of Light last continuously while Radiance is active.[/quote][quote][b]Eagle Eye[/b] Gain a bonus to weapon range and accuracy while airborne.[/quote][quote][b]Solar Channel[/b] Deal increased damage using Solar weapons.[/quote] [/spoiler]

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