originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
maxed everything out on ps4, want to play with family and they have xbox1 so i switched over, very casual player.
I'm just an average player looking to have some fun with others GT: Clone Commando8
I'm a new member and a casual player looking for players with similar interests. I've just recently gotten into PVP and really enjoy IB. I'm not the best but I play for fun. I also enjoy PVE too. I'm on sometimes in the evenings after work and most of the time on weekends (PST). Please send invite to gt:SueHefner for some IB fun and pve!!!!
Need help doing my void sword quest... Message knight019 Xbox 1
I'm always ready to hop into any fireteam to help people out! GT: Temporalist
Always looking for people to play with. All characters are at or above 300 light GT : Paramedicx
I would love to join, My tag is Eternal DedHead... Full disclosure, I don't know anything about Raids, on account of the fact that none of my friends play Destiny on X-Box 1. I have a light level 297 Hunter, and am a capable player but, as I said I have no Raid experience.
Hi im Shadesofblack12 im pretty new and just looking for a pretty chill group
A co-operative sounds good. GT: student1amo
Edited by I Am Legend1465: 10/23/2015 4:51:36 PMHey man, I think this would be cool for me considering I don't have a properly working mic at the moment so it's hard for me to find raids, though I have plenty of experience with the raid because I've ran it around 15 times over multiple characters, all without a mic btw, and I have 2 300+ light characters, I'm willing to help people through the raid so long as i can get help when I need it My GT: I Am Legend1465
Always happy to help Exp In the raids Also looking for people to do hard raid with Gt: Inked Gamer01 I'm not inked just btw
I'm in, GT: Paulus5446 298 warlock, 296 titan. XBOX1 on most nights from 5pm til midnight (UK)
Edited by FathomFew: 10/23/2015 12:55:07 AMThat's what I'm looking for! I'm on most nights from 10:00pm to 1:00pm PST. Add me: GT is FathomFew
GT Fernt Fernt Never done a raid just play with one other and we would like to see what its like. Either 296 titan or 293 Hunter
I'm in. GT is StrangeLattice :)
Help is always good xD GT: SouL Koopa
Low stress is what it should be its a game. Lets have fun add me gt zeppledz
You help me, I help you GT: CosmicEtherWolf
I've played this game solo about 95% of the time, gets boring at times. I'm very casual and mainly do bounties, dailys, and weeklys. But I'm willing to help with other stuff. Add me if you like. Gt: Dspiracy
Kinda far off from any endgame content (just level 18 Voidwalker Warlock), but eventually I'd really like to sign on and run with some of you all. GT: ConGamer
Add me BrawlingApe on xb1
300 Light Hunter looking to continue doing well just about anything. InfestedKavu Warlock and Titan are works in progress.
293 Titan, add Akhunter1977
I'm down to play. Light level 262 hunter. Whisperydig89
I'm a casual player with a tough schedule- I'd love to have people to join when I jump on. GT JLap2010.
I'm totally down. Have a 40, looking to lvl a 32 alt. Gamertag is mrADMZ!