originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
Need a team for VoG normal, just trying to level up my warlock's light level. should be starting in 3(ish) hrs message me if you're open
Need a team to help out with The Taken War: Petra (objects and champions) message GT above for invite
I want to get through the taken quests but everybody went through it in 5 seconds so I have no one to do it with msg Jacobawesomer for inv
I'm only level 32 and new, but I'd be down for something. I've never done VoG, either.
Does anyone want to run through the oryx story from the beginning? I have a 34 warlock that needs to do it. GT: charliebynature
This sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. My GT is Epid3mik if you are still adding people.
Looking for some help running through the story missions my hunter is only at lvl 17 GMT Royal Smiter
Hi, Definitely need to find some friendly players to join in with. TTK makes it even more so. Lone wolf days are over if you will have me as a member. Gamer Tag: Grey Fox DR
Dude u guys sound gr8, chilled n relaxed perfect for me. I'm a new destiny player lvl23 warlock. Be gr8 to be added I'm UK based. Gt metalhead7879,
So should I get to 40 before doing anything?
Sure, feel free to add me, gt is same as my name. Play mainly in the evenings UK time but looking to play through the story Thurs/Fri this week as I'm off work. Anyone is welcome to join me for it....
need one for dayly GT REDX20
Casual player on most days can do anything only problem not the strongest with sword bearer! Feel free to add me GT same as above
Filthy casuals
I'm in
MY GT IS avatarTUXshots, Casual, can play almost anytime, feel free to voice or text chat me on xbox 1
GT is im mike ok feel free to add and invite
At last, a simple calm fire team😅. My gamer tag is as above, feel free to add me and invite me whenever. Been waiting for a post like this.
This sounds perfect for me! You had me with the jump puzzle issues and I haven't even done the one in VoG yet! That first one was enough! Feel free to add me. I am looking to do some raiding at some point, but I've never done one so I may need a little help. GT MsCetacea
Edited by Asmodean: 9/2/2015 12:52:56 AMI'm pretty new to destiny, leveling up a warlock (level 24) and it would be great to play some strikes and quests with some relaxed people. GT: Asm0d3an
Everyone add me! Looking to fill out my friends list with some players to help with raids and things