originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
Gt: COLTFORTYF1V3 Sounds fun man lets do it!
GT: Mr Gamjangles This sounds like my kind of group. I'm a pretty good player and a better teammate. Just looking to relax and have some fun
GT: iamlyingtoyou I main a 34 Hunter Gunslinger. VOG HM done, but still need Crota and Skolas Need to do more Prison of Elders stuff. MIGHT be down to do trials and iron banner if I keep improving in crucible, but I really need to get more consistent with positive K/D Also have a 20's Warlock (Voidwalker) and a brand new Titan (Defender) I am leveling. I work weekends, so Weekdays/nights Central Time are when you'll find me on. Just send me a friend request/game invite and we'll get going!
Just what I'm looking for!
This is exactly what I'm looking for! My GT is Spaceman Chimp!
Gt GodammitNickago
Could I get in sound like a great clan
Looking for more to play control. Gt noblacksheep. Send msg on xbl for invite
Sounds great! I'm having trouble finding fire teams for strikes and POI. GT Zekusmaximus
Sounds like my kind of thing. ShameFreeLoser is the GT. 34 Purpledeath Space Wizard (Er...Voidwalker.) Add away folks.
Edited by The Nvisible: 9/9/2015 11:26:05 PMThis sounds like my kind of group. Still have an open seat? I'll bring beer! And whisky. Gamer tag is same as above.
This is pretty much what I was looking for. GT: ZeeroSum
Would love to make some new Destiny Friends and play with you all! GT is Overlord0210
GT Sintan MoD
Looking for people who wanna win crucible matches. Message for invite looking for a team of 6 or 3 pending on what game mode. First come first serve. All are welcome.
yoooo sloshua1904 just got that good old destiny bug and got back into the game would love to find some cool people trying to -blam!- around but also progress! hopefully hear from some people
Hey this sounds exactly like what I'm lookin for. Just a good time shooting some stuff and looting. Haha id love to join. I'm on the Xbox 1 GT : XxReaperChopxX. Hope to play and raid with everyone! Plus if anybody is looking for help with something and I'm on ill gladly help or at least be an extra set of flying bullets haha
Gt:Caliberounds this sounds like a lot of fun
For those who need help feel free to msg me "casual help." I can help with Raids, strikes, tips, tricks, weapon stat help, ghost and chest locations etc... Never ran the sword at crota I'll help teach you. I do have a family and delegate my time helping others as well as playing with my other friends. So msg me if you need help and if I can't help at that moment I'll try and help later. My gamer tag is funkyluck (xB1)
Stuck in GMT not a fan of the english players much. Hunter:32 Warlock:10 GT; Rusty_guitarist I just want cool raid armour :) Mainly aiming for Kell at the moment
GT: kriev98 Started playing 10 days ago, already lvl 28. Looking for friends to progress through end game content. Looking forward to playing with yall
GT Shawn Chalton Have a 34 Hunter, 27 Titan and 26 Warlock - Mainly only play my Hunter though Would be fun to play with actual people, and not PuGs
GT: xPARCEROx Glad I finally found a group like this. Sent in request for addition. Have lvl 34 Hunter, lvl 33 Titan and lvl 32 Warlock.