originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
GT: McTroma lvl 32 Titan PoE 32 or any raid, add me!
Gt igsue msg me I'd like to see what's up
34 hunter 31 hunter 32 warlock
Looking for peeps to do Nightfalls and Raids with mostly. Only have done parts of VoG and CE. I don't play much PvP but need to so I can complete some bounties. Warlock 32 Titan 32 Hunter 31 beef73 GT usually on for a couple of hours in the afternoon Tempe AZ here
Sound like my people gt: shinrat3ns3i
Gt: de4lz 34 hunter 34 titan
I'd love to join as well :) GT: xFulLxArsenaLx lv 29 Hunter
I'd like to join: Warlock: 33 I don't currently play as any other characters.
Sounds like the perfect group! Please add me... GT: CompetingStar
GT:HOCKEYJETY Titan 30 Warlock 4 Hunter 2
Been playing since release, but solo - my real world friends don't play - so I haven't done VoG or Crota's End yet. XBox One, Level 32 Hunter and Warlock (usually play Hunter), EST time zone. Love PvP and PvE, pretty good at both, and can bring some good firepower (i.e., Truth, Invective, and a fully auto High Road Soldier). Very mellow, just looking to have fun and do some raids!
Add GT Kudos McGee if you'd like. My friends list is small, and I'm just an average player who just wants a group for raids and such. Btw I often don't use a mic, don't take it personally please.
I'm on for this ethos, GT: govicinity
lvl 32 titan looking for a great group to run trials, poe, raids, nightfalls with. I do mostly raids but started iron banner yesterday and am at lvl 2. I'm on in the evenings (cst) and weekends. same gt: magnus37
My Gamertag: montezho I have a level 33 hunter
Edited by S12BL4DE: 6/2/2015 6:48:40 AMGT - Bi11y1889 33 Titan 33 Warlock Titan currently Lvl 8 but rising :) Please add me :)
Just joined, played alone most of the time. Did Crota once and never finished vog. Tried a couple of clans just didn't seem to work out. This clan sounds pretty good.I have a Titan 33 warlock 32 and hunter 32.I'm on the east coast and play two or three nights a week plus weekends too.My Gt is brosco one .Hope to join up with some of you soon.
Gt: viruSxSpreader I'm up for that 😊
Looking for 3 for fresh normal VOG run! Requirements: Level 30+ Working mic Willing to learn new strats Last but not least, be willing to have fun! This is a video game! Send a message to SupercowFTW and I will invite you.
Scarlet, you inspired me. Since the response was overwhelming, I decided to create a group for us. It's called "XB1 Casual Players" Go ahead and join :-)
the best sounding ad out there. sign me up! lvl 29 awoken hunter with legendary and exotic kinetics, zappers, n blasters. my alts r a 25 titan n a lvl7 hunter. i mean, i do eat sleep n breath this game any time i can but i don't get all excited n a BAD way or anything. GT - euripides V. HMU
Level 31 Warlock GT: SentientDonut
BLAM! Stress, this is what I need. GT same as here.
Level 31 hunter bingosniper 15
Edited by Edin: 5/13/2015 4:42:04 PMEdin
Single - old
Add me. I had a guy literally huffing and puffing yesterday. GT: CL4PY 32,32,32