originally posted in:Xbox One Reddit
Trying to come up with a pool of low stress, casual players.
The vision is to help each other in raids, bounties, nightfall, etc. All with a low level of stress. If it takes you 10 trials to make the jump puzzle in VoG, we laugh about it rather than kicking you out.
If you want to join this cooperative, easy going group, please comment with your GT.
Feel free to add me. GT: EduPagani
Edited by Edin: 5/13/2015 4:42:04 PMEdin
Single - old
Add me. I had a guy literally huffing and puffing yesterday. GT: CL4PY 32,32,32 -
LazyShartGoblin Titan lvl 30 Hunter lvl 28 Warlock lvl 8
I like this. I recently had to listen to a guy doing a Cosmodrome Patrol and getting absolutely stressed because the Patrol Missions in his area weren't to his liking.
im down with this my GT is SavageRathalos lvl 31 sunlock 30 hunter 30 titan
Like this, some people are just a bit to stressed out and suck the fun out of things Random Lemming Lvl 31 Titan, Warlock and Hunter
Hey everyone, 24 hunter and 12 warlock here. Basically just started back up a week or so ago. Looking forward to trying some strikes out and possibly raids. GT is vetteguy13 in Destiny.
Xbox one: GT: X2B4 Hey does some one wanna do vog? I have done it on my level 30 warlock and I wanna do it on my level 27 titan but no one has sent me anything been searching for 30 mins
Hello, I am new to the game, just got to level 21. My play style is just for fun, Ex: On many other games I have spent 6+ hours just helping strangers on quests and etc with zero reward to me. I simply like playing the games, so this seems like the perfect little group for me. GT: Magister Finney
Hello! [b]Kill the Varelse[/b], former members of DoD, Devize Sigma, and Illegal Ninja, are looking to start a new Clan with a big focus on end game content and Tuesday content refreshes. We promote teamwork and love assisting others with their raids and bounties. An admin hosts weekly and raid groups every Tuesday and we are currently training for Trials. So, don't go alone, take us! Join [b]Kill the Varelse[/b] today. Only for Xbox One.
Edited by xIKJB: 5/13/2015 6:20:09 PMWould love it join!! Trying to get things done but failing as no one plays destiny that I have on my Xbox friends 😞 GT is as above
same here. My son and I are pretty good casual players, bt have not had the privilege of doing any raids beyond the lamps (Crota) and unsuccessfully defending the confluxes in VoG. by ourselves. We are both level 31 all classes GT: MaliciousFlyer, and son is GT SpartanE6
Same, most people I play with don't have a one yet so I don't have people to raid with. Don't mind helping/teaching in raids. Until HoW drops I'll only be doing raids tho, keeping my factions exp almost ranked atm.
Hunter Lvl 32 Titan Lvl 32 Warlock Lvl 32 . I like your objective regarding the game. As a mature lady, I play for FUN - love to learn and help others. I can solo the 1st part of Crota's end on 33 hard and would be happy to help.
I enjoy playing the game but still like to get the job done. Lvl 30 Titan, trying to get to lvl 32. Always looking for others to do nightfalls and raids, and tbh any thing. GT - im lean Have mic and play fairly regular
Hey there this sounds nice, please add me i would like to join. GT same as above