I'm from the UK and looking to get into the raids/nightfalls and eventually HoW....but need a clan obviously, will soon be maxing my characters out (have all 3)
Just looking for a group who are active and friendly enough to have some laughs but do well.
Will need to be shown the ropes a little with the raids but I'm sure I'll pick it up quick enough!
Even if you're out of my time zone I'm often up late so don't be put off, look forward to the responses,
cheers guys :)
Hello fellow gamer, thanks for reading! Warrior Nation is a multi-gaming community that puts an emphasis on having fun. On a daily and weekly basis, we're completing strikes, raids, crucible matches and more - we're constantly streaming and finding new ways to enjoy Destiny. Our focus is gaming, gamers and games - we'll never be the first community to beat a new raid, but when we do beat that raid, we'll have the most fun. If you are interested in joining us, please check out the following; Our Destiny PS4 forum; http://warriornation.net/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2781 After checking us out, if you want to join post in our guest area saying you want to join us for Destiny, reference WNxConroi and you'll get taken care of; http://warriornation.net/Forum/forumdisplay.php?f=191