Defender Titans!
You can be successful in PVP.
Like, for real.
Place bubble in "out of the way" place that leads into a hot zone.
Equip [insert favorite fusion rifle] Plug One.
Aim as true as you can and you will one hit folks.
Didn't hit them with all bolts? Don't sweat it. They will die.
Outside of range? You'll one hit them if you can land most bolts. If they're already wounded, they're dead. They will die.
Basically, if you can land most of your shots during encounters anyway, WoL will have you come out on top a majority of the time. This goes for whatever weapon you like.
There was a post the other day about how useless Defenders are in PVP, but I'm not sure that's true at all.
Even when you play with randoms, there will be time where you guys are together in a fire fight. Save your bubble for this. They'll see you taking folks down and join in. Trust me.
Lastly, don't you ever hang out in the bubble. You don't have to go home, but you really do need to get the hell out. Your life depends on it.
Dip in and go kill people before they take out the ward. Ideally, you wanna place it so the enemy has to contend with an army of WoL guardians before reaching it. And if they do reach it, you won't be in it.
Happy Hunting!
Holy sh** .. 365 mythoclast with weapons of light destroys so quick it's unbelievable ,,,
I can imagine, lol. *faceplam* I really should've played the raids more. I missed/am missing out on some great weapons.
3 strikers and 3 defenders with chest of alpha lupi ,,, unstoppable in crucible !!!! I like popping a bubble with weapons of light and one shot kill people in the knee with my sniper rifle ,, haha
Sounds beast !
I love how WoL un-nerfs guns. One shotting people with my fusion at distance again is my thing. Miss being able to do that pre nerf.
Check out The Calming on my titan , best fusion in the game ,
Geez! That charge rate and range is out there.
I run weapons of light now with Suros or Mida plus my felwinters lie and my jolders hammer makes my titan a hit harder than anything on the field.
Lol, you un-nerf Suros with WoL. Awesome.
Lol he gets it.