You build it in parts and put it together? If you want to build the entire thing AT ONCE in a printer? Good luck.
I'd hate to attempt that program lol its hard enough programming flat parts...I suppose you could do it flat pack style but kind of defeats the point of a 3d printer...I could probably make one on my waterjet out of aluminium in flat pack lol
My uncle had one and made a gun but made it in like 5 pieces or so. I don't know how you would get the colors right and all that
A lot of designs are available on the Web now but new stuff is really expensive...I recently made a 3d design out of 50m ply (an old country manor into a 3d photo) and I charged over 10k for it lol
And you got it??!
Yes lol it was for a stately home...Some people have more money than sense...