At least with a Shotgun they'd have to get in my face and a Noobsion Rifle is actually fairly balanced now and it's easy to counter that Charge rate. Final Round Spear users are just cheapass cowards dude.
Unless there invisible and hiding behind a corner which is not cowardly in any way at all
... Nah no no, you don't get it... Sniping itself isn't cowardly but wasting bullets to get that Final Round round perk and shooting anybody anywhere in their body and instantly killing them and acting like you're "skilled" is cowardly and cheap as hell. No excuse for it. Like I said... Shotguns at least has a person get in someone's face.
To be honest I hardly snipe and when I do I certainly dont waste 2 bullets in a 3 round mag in order to get to the final round. Ammo is too scarce now
Yeah... Some of these cheapos are just VERY idiotic and act like total tryhards. :/