They are going to nerf it. Final round is bullshit in sniper rifle. No way they will stand for people emptying their magazine into a wall before getting a one shot kill to the body. It is just cheap and subverting game mechanics.
Easy solution: for the final to proc, make it so you have to get a hit on all previous bullets.
That way people will stop shooting into walls just to get a cheap kill
As I said above, the "cheap kill" is very rare now. And if you empty two shot for that one your a moron. Not going to need it bc it's not a game changer at all. Before, yes. Now? No.
You know how trials of Osiris works right? If the round starts and you're quickly down a man because he got shot once in the chest that will very much be a game changer.
Edited by HotCupofNasty: 5/14/2015 5:17:47 PMI wont argue with you on ToO. It is a game changer in that aspect of competitive game play, BUT, we all know it's out there, and I expect it to be used against me, therefore I plan to use it against them. Until it's changed, that's just how it is. Again, everyone has had the opportunity to get that weapon and that perk. If people chose not to, that's on them and have no right to complain about it. If they haven't played enough to get a sniper rifle period, or Last Word, or Thorn, again...that's on them. So to say it's completely unfair is a bit of a stretch. I have a Last Word but I never use it because it is most definitely OP. I get killed by it constantly, but I don't run to the forums to say it needs nerfed and complain, I just keep playing and counter it the best I can.
[quote]As I said above, the "cheap kill" is very rare now. And if you empty two shot for that one your a moron. Not going to nerf it bc it's not a game changer at all. Before, yes. Now? No.[/quote]