Who has a better name? Which one looks cleaner? Which one isn't childish?
Someone on the forums thought their name was better than mine so i am looking to the flood to settle this.
How i created my name? I always liked villains, monsters, scary movies etc. was brainstorming and a thought hit me. What if monsters fought other monsters? Like shit out of nightmares fighting other nightmares. I was like that would be a crazy visual, all out war between nightmares thus i came up with the name DemonWarfare. I would like to point out i have no numbers or 'x's in my name.
[b]"Bro ask anyone, make a poll thread about it. They'll vote for me dawg." - XXBlackGasm420XX[/b]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/121470203/0/0/1]If you were curious here is a link to the post where he called me out. He commented on my response and literally said make a poll and people will pick me. (Please disregard the topic being discussed)
Please comment below on your opinions of the matter.
Edit: I should point out i made my gamertag when my dad got me a ps3 when i was a kid, i was like 12.
Edit 2: haha you guys crack me up, I love it.
Edited by Deleted235708: 5/14/2015 3:55:14 PMX's just ruin everything unless you are legitimately using them in a word.