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originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
5/14/2015 4:24:40 PM

Destiny Endpoint Parameter Values

Hello, I am new the Destiny endpoints and have some success, but can someone explain by example as to what certain endpoint parameters are looking for example from PasteBin someone has: 1.[e]/[d]/[f]/ and sometimes [g]. Is there a mapping as to what those are? 2. I am looking to list the members of my clan. I have the endpoint which shows the list of clan members, but it requires the clan/groupId #. I tried obtaining this through my destiny profile via but it only comes back with the string of the clanName and clanTag not the groupId which seems to require. I tried putting the clan name instead of 758673 and it didn't work. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Edited by lowlines: 5/15/2015 7:15:34 AM
    Unofficial endpoint listings can cover undocumented APIs, so its up to the community to figure them out :p I'm mainly interested in the Destiny Game APIs (which should be mostly complete), but if people figure out ones I haven't looked at and aren't documented by Bungie let me know and I'll update my pastebin.

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  • Some of the information you're looking for is [url=]here[/url] in the links.

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