*blocks the shield strike with my gunblade* * jumps back from your hammer assault and casts firaga burst, launching 3 fireballs at you*
[i]creating a portal in front of me, the fireballs go through them and fly through another portal above you, soon later I follow with a ground rending attack from a strike from my hammer[/i]
*casts water barrier around me, negating the fire* * gets staggered from the ground pound, breaking my concentration and causing the barrier to fall, covering the ground around us in water*
Edited by Sardonyx: 5/15/2015 6:18:21 AM[i]with a mighty yell, I slam my hammers head against the ground, causing the ground to shake and a crack in the ground to stretch towards you, creating fissures around your legs as you sink into the mud from the water[/i]
*teleports out of the fissure* well now that was fighting dirty*casts waterga, trapping you in a sphere of highly pressurized water*
[i]the sphere evaporates into steam as I create a fireball around me, scorching the area around the water sphere, letting the fireball explode outwards as I send a wall of ice at you[/i]
*creates a wall of fire to counter your ice wall* hm, it seems you are know a bit of magic* shoots hard light thunder rounds again*
[i]deflecting them with another portal, this time sending a block of ice through as I rush at you while the ice block falls atop you "Yourself to"[/i]
*sidesteps the ice and slashes at you, firing a shot as well*
[i]deflecting the blow with my hammer while the bullet clips my left arm, I somehow over power you slightly as I scream in pain[/i]
You know what they say about sword wielding? *puts my other hand on my gunblade* you have more strength when wielding a blade with both hands*slashes your hammer out of your hand and points my gunblade at you*
[i]putting my hands up[/i] "And at the same time, I'm not underprepared to" [i]after the brief exchange, I warp behind you, jutting your sword arm and causing the blade to drop, as I pin your arms behind your back[/i]
Hm, nice move *opens my hand and my gunblade reappears, the blade at your chin* but not quite good enough I'm afraid* shoots you with a non lethal stun round*
[i]attemtping to stop the biker with a small ice shield, but only slowed it as I backed away holding my chest as I try to regain my compsure, I create an ice bubble around me to protect me[/i]
*shoots you with a fire round from my gunblade*
[i]after regaining some composure, I summon my hammer while the fireball bounces off the globe I created, once the attack has ceased, I burst the globe, sending ice shards everywhere while I charge at you, bringing my hammer down, only o warp at the last second and appear behind you, finishing the move[/i]
*as soon as your hammer makes contact with me, you suddenly become frozen solid* *i slowly walk toward you, spinning my gunblade* that was ice clone, an ability I worked hard to achieve. You've proven your skill in combat, and i Zane, Lieutenant of Security, hereby acknowledge your skills, you are now a member of this dojo, and can come and go as you please
[i]tries to move, but frozen[/i]
Ah right*snaps my fingers and the ice shatters, freeing you*
[i]shivering[/i] "Eeeh... Thanks then, I almost beat you to (makes a hand gesture)"
*shakes your hand, sending a bit of fire magic to you to warm you up* it was a good fight, but just to let you know, I only fought with magic and my gunblade, I was still hiding more power, but to use it puts a bit of strain on me
[i]shaking the cold off[/i] "Nice to know you could've bested me from the start, but thanks again, and if you don't mind I'm going off to get some sleep after this fight"
No problem, take it easy new blood*walks off with my gunblade on my shoulder*
*runs over* I heard something about blood
Easy now, it's just a phrase
Oh....umm I'll just...leave now *nervously walks away*