We come from a highly competitive PvP clan that was more focused on solo stats than winning a match. We left the team due to bad attitudes, and we want to be successful in HoW
We are looking for Clan members or other allies that would like to team up in the crucible.
We also PvE but our focus is on the crucible.
Mainly we want team players that also know how to have fun (this is our break from life). We currently have 3 highly skilled crucible players that focus on team play. We would like to have a couple more crucible members to join us. If you are interested post your PsN below, and PsN Cuduni will contact you over the network.
Stats matter to us a little differently. We check out other important things rather than just KtD.
We come from a background of competitive play. Two members in Call of Duty (Vanilla) were Cal-I, before it was the MLG.