Sign below if you got the only guaranteed way to get exotics, the heroic strikes. You get strange coins and buy exotics. Sure I have gotten lucky a few times on Crotas end or on nightfalls but the exotics I have truly earned were through xûr. Yes I believe xur is broken I think he should only sell a few items not every gosh-darn exotic except ps4 exclusives. Anyone including me who has gotten a new exotic after a raid or nightfall and then xur sells it you might say I EARNED it! Sorry but nope you got lucky the only thing more true then heroic strikes is if you get coins as I got 2 this week so. Please sign below if you have or will earn your truth, not get lucky.
Derp Out!
I went to work and earned my money to buy this game. Therefore every item in the game was earned.
But I did have a couple of them not long after the game dropped then dismantled them so I'm happy Xur is selling, I missed the damn thing
I am going to earn my truth
What is a thruth? But i know what truth is i got it yesterday from atheon.
Earn crota end hard mode first time
I don't know what a thruth is
I got mine out of an engram. No difference whether you bought it from xûr or rng
Not again... lol
I bought my first truth, it was my very first xurned weapon back in December and it was the very first exotic that I maxed out even though I had gjallarhorn and thorn collecting dust in my vault. Ever since, RNG has cursed me with about 4 Truths in legendary engrams, strikes and nightfall rewards,
I got lucky, so I'm not gonna buy a second one for no reason.
Lol I got mine out of the exotic chest last week.
I've earned every exotic except for Nechrocasm and SGA, be it by getting lucky or buying it with hard earned coins.
My 3 truths dropped out of rng , but I didn't earn anything. The whole thing is luck.
kill yourself
Yeah, I grinded to get the strange coins to buy the damn thing
Lol thruth
Edited by VioL3ntByNature: 5/15/2015 1:58:49 PMBought mine. 1 of 2 exotics I needed. Still after Gally tho... The struggle continues...
I "earned" my truth. First time xur sold it... Hardly ever use it though. I will say it pretty much got me 75% of my void kills for the Thorn bounty. ANyone who plans on doing that then this is def worth the 17 coins
Got my truth from a nightfall
Truth *
I agree, he should sell Hawkmoon.