I can't say I have....
Post about your [i]encounters[/i] with ghosts.
[spoiler]I need a good bedtime story.[/spoiler]
[b]Edit:[/b] If you have never seen a ghost before, just post your best ghost story.
My experience I believe was quite genuine. We were celebrating my grandparents anniversary and decided to go to a supposedly haunted house downtown. Now, I'm not a ghost fan AT ALL so I was pretty nervous. When we got there they had a tour guide who have us the backstory and inhabitants of the house. Apparently they were average people who lived in the house before the town actully existed. We took our tour through the house, looking into rooms and stuff. I looked into the daughters room and there they were, 10 glass dolls. All with blank expressions and same glasses eyes. I'm just like meh, just some dolls right. I swear to god one of them moved and three more started looking at me, scared the crap out of me. We left the house to go to the backyard where the inhabitants where buried. The tour guide told us that the children only showed up when there where other kids around. She also asked us to take a picture of all the parents standing next to the tomb stones. Took the picture and nothing was there, average photo. I go stand by the tomb stones along with other kids in the group ( I was around 11 at this time) the parents take the photo and some of them got these shocked expressions on their faces. I grab my parents phone and look 3 children. In actual form, transparent. Are sitting next to us, one on each side of me. Scared the absolute crap out of me again. I will never forget that experience. This is a true story from my life.