Post here for Xbox One House of Wolves Bounties.
Looking for people to farm keys using VOG method on Xbox one. 32 Titan. Message me for an invite.
Looking to complete a few bountys. And then farm. Inv. Bancoflossy
Farming ether chests in the citadel and ember caves on venus. Doing this for about 1hour. GT: redfish1012
32 Titan looking for people to farm keys with using the VOG method. GT is same as name above, message me for an invite.
Need help doing them msg for inv
32 Titan looking for people to farm keys with using the VOG method. GT is same as name above, message me for an invite.
Looking to run the Day 6 Queens mission for hunting a dreg on the moon on Xbox one for all three of my characters. All 32's. Message me on Xbox one for an invite.
need people to help with queen
Looking to due all bountys gt chowski26
Looking for 2 people to do all the queens bountys Msg NigheRunnerLuke for invite
Farming Ember caves and Citadel. Gt: MrWaffIePants the I in my name is a capital "i" Message me on Xbox NOT HERE
Farming venus ask 4 nvt.
Farming sky watch message me I have some one with me just need one more
lvl 32 lfg all queen bounty xb1 Sent me inv
[quote]Post here for Xbox One House of Wolves Bounties.[/quote] 2 guardians on standby lvl 29 Warlock lvl 28 Warlock Need help with all wrath bounties Please inv, gt same as above
Need two to kill saviks Location moon Message me for invite Gamertag as user
Lvl 31 titan looking to team up for all bounties
Need 5 for farming keys on Venus msg me for in game inv at kindfawn1475384 sry about the ft it got given to me by Xbox
Edited by ronan: 5/17/2015 7:42:28 PMNeed 2 for farming out keys msg me for invite
Looking for people to farm for keys on Venus. We are going to start Vault of Glass so we can have 6 people & 3 people go to one spot & the other 3 to the other spot. Message me on Xbox one for an invite if interested. I'm a 32 Titan.
Looking for 5 people to do the farming for chests message me for inv I've already got 5 keys and 4 engrams
Need help with archers line bounty GT same as name
Need 3 for Venus farming msg me for inv
Need a team of 5 to farm on Venus and get some keys msg me for invite or to inv me
Need a team of 5 to farm on Venus and get some keys msg me for invite or to inv me
Looking for people to farm I'm at sky watch now msg in game GY: u h8in