Post here for Xbox One House of Wolves Bounties.
Looking for people to farm I'm at sky watch now msg in game GY: u h8in
LOOKING FOR QUEEN BOUNTIES 32 warlock with mic I have a maxed GHORN message me on live I won't be checking this
Need help with archers line bounty GT same as name
Need a couple people to join me in farming keys- message me for inv- will be getting tons of chests and runsa in today
Farming Venus or skywatch have two spots get: Cryptic Nibbles
Edited by SplittingNine: 5/17/2015 6:13:04 PMNeed 3 more chest farming on venus message same gt as above
Farming ether chests in the skywatchers on earth. Doing this for about 1hour. GT: redfish1012
32 hunter Looking to do the 5th and 6th bounty. Gt: yabo916
GT : fallenguanjess for all bountys
need TWO for Weksis on Archers Line on Moon ge: theBungPuncher
32 Warlock looking to get Queens bounties done! Msg - The GreenHerb
Looking to do the final bounty GT is oII LEIGH IIo Just Invite
Need moon bounties done Inv me Hii lucid power
Edited by Bloom Unknown : 5/17/2015 5:30:43 PMI need 2, doing all bounties from beginning. message or invite smokesletsgo90 . Or reply here and I will invite you. I know chest locations.
Need 2 for drevis wolf bounty Lvl 32 Titan Gt CJbraves99
32 hunter looking for all
Looking for people to do Weksis bounty on the moon. Send message on live and I'll invite you. Want to do it with all three characters as well
LOOKING FOR QUEEN BOUNTIES 31 hunter with mic I have a maxed GHORN message me on live I won't be checking this To do: Forgotten shore Sky watch citadel And today's I am willing to do any others with anyone if necessary
Looking to do last two bounties. Inv GT same as above
Farming skywatch message me if you want to join gt same as above
Edited by Guardian7806: 5/17/2015 5:21:57 PM
Need 2 for key farming msg me for invite
Need help with bounties
Edited by ronan: 5/17/2015 4:58:56 PMFarming keys on Venus msg me for inv need 4
3 slots available for key farming. Gt IcbayOnTheAgbay
Edited by Toastinator00: 5/17/2015 4:45:17 PMFarming keys on Venus need 3 msg me for invite GT same as above