Post here for Xbox One House of Wolves Bounties.
Level 32 Warlock looking for 2 others to help farm keys in Skywatch, message me on XBox for invite: RosAFella
Level 32 Warlock looking for 2 others to help farm keys in Skywatch, message me on XBox for invite: RosAFella
Need 2 to farm for keys, I have 10 GT same as name
Lfg to do all bounties. GT same
Level 32 Warlock, looking to join a team, invite me: RosAFella
Level 32 Warlock, looking to join a team, invite me: RosAFella
Gt same as before looking to do day 5 bounty
I will be waiting for people tomorrow at 2:00pm at the first location on the moon to kill Queenbreaker. I've tried it 5 times but I am not strong enough by myself. Hope people will join. Gamer tag: NeedForSpeed098
Need one more person to help with bounties message me EYbarraTheMEXIC or TickelMeElmo249 for group invite
Need one for Drevis, GT is Teklz, message for invite.
TickleMeElmo249 add me for the house of wolves bounties and nightfall
Need 2 to help farm keys in skywatch, put ur GT down below
Need a team for bounties 2-5 message me EYbarraTheMEXIC
Edited by Kalo: 5/17/2015 5:47:56 AMNeed three more to farm keys on Venus through VoG, msg4inv
On venus doing the Queens bountys!! Message me for invy Gt is party sl0th
Need two more for farming treasure keys in skywatch
Farming on venus hmu if interested gt same as above
Need 2 for forgotten shore bounty
Farming ether chests in the skywatchers on earth. Doing this for about 1hour. GT: redfish1012
How long is it before each spawn
Need to do all five, GT SoloSinTiGo
Looking for people to farm for keys on Venus. We are going to start Vault of Glass so we can have 6 people & 3 people go to one spot & the other 3 to the other spot. Message me on Xbox one for an invite if interested. I'm a 32 Titan.
Doing Saviks bounty on the moon if anyone is interested. Gt above
Time to farm Venus. Message me In game. Lvl 32 GHORN. GT: mr cancer RN.
Doing them all...need 2 people to help kill and find chests...message Snyder x 95 for invite
32 Titan looking for people to do the moon bounty for queens wrath on Xbox one. Message me for an invite.