Post here for Xbox One House of Wolves Bounties.
32 warlock Need 2 to do all 5 of the queens bounties. Message: yabo916
Need 2 for saving gt same
WANTED SAVIKS, QUEENBREAKER looking for two players 32 warlock gali
32 titan invite good1sean
WANTED :SAVIKIS, QUEENBREAKER looking for 2 for bounty . Savikis strong madafaka . Msg me on xbl for invite! RpkZOMBIE
Need one more message Cochraned83
Level 29 hunter looking to farm chests on Xbox One GT: ChiefyGoodnes20
Looking to do the bounties inv goodytime
32 Titan. LFG for ALL AVAILABLE bounties. GT same as above. Mesg/inv on XBL
looking to farm chests for keys gt ElectricBlaze lvl 32 titan invite or message for an invite
Need 1 msg eggzboz1
Need help with moon bounty GT same as name
Need help with bounty on the moon GT same as name
Looking for help farming inv me gt same as name xbox1
Looking for 2 to do saviks bounty with. Message me on Xbox for invite
Need help all 5 bounties GT same as name
LFG all queen bounties
32warlock to do all bounties get AdeyMack
32 warlock need two more 32. Have done them on my other character message me for invite gt: WeirderGAMER213
32 warlock looking to do bounties gt turtleturd69 have all arc damage weapons
Looking to do all the bounties Lvl 32 warlock GT same as user Xbox one
(Xbox One) Doing all bounties. Msg Shackney on Xbox for invite. I'm a 32 Titan with max arc weapons and gally.
Need 1 Doing all bounties Msg xsoul reaperx23
Need to do day 5 bounty Xbox one Gt same as above
29 Titan looking for team to kill bounties on earth