The box glows with divine, gopher-like power...
*they praise it more*
The box now bends gravity and light around it. Mysterious pictographs in ancient Gopherese are inscribed on its surface in golden holograms
*there eyes glow looking at the writing*
*they begin killing eachother*
The corners of the box begin leaking gopher blood...suddenly, the cardboard flaps on the box open with explosive force! A new dark god of gopher warfare emerges...and he is hungry for the souls of the dojo...
Out it turns to a cube called the all spark
The box opens for you to reveal [spoiler]a banana[/spoiler]
*the gophers are gone.*
The box patiently reminds you that your new gopher mastermind has access to Gopher - Valhalla
[spoiler]lol. R u a ROBBAZ fan?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]lol naw[/spoiler]
The box begins to bend gravity and light around itself. Now only the gopher messiah can open it...will the phropecy come to pass?