*knives explode on impact into 3 smaller knives* [spoiler]which will also explode[/spoiler] [spoiler]no worries not gonna use it more than once[/spoiler]
*dashes out of the balst unharmed and drop kicks you to the ground* [spoiler]Ive had magic pants that make me esplosive proof for logn time. only 1 person knows the weakness against them :D[/spoiler]
*Pulss out vantablack tarp an throws it into the sky effectively making everyone blind*
*pucnhes you* well you got my left eye. *the other eye activates a LED light* but the other one is quit edifferent, and if i need more sight. (ARM) I am here. *a mehcanical thrid arm rears up from the shoulder* lets do this!
*sneaking sneaking* [spoiler]playing mind games[/spoiler] [spoiler]the next spoiler is not important[/spoiler] [spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler]and then u looked at this one out of curiosity[/spoiler]
(ARM) you can fool somone who can see further than 30m good for you But I see much more! *you notice the amr thinks for hsimelf* *the ARM fires a LAAser a t you which elave a bruning mark i can spot* chep trick aint effective against me.
*Lights a corner and sets sky ablaze* *swipes knife through fire heating it* *slashes*
*performers British long punch far from your range* [spoiler]its a british militar technique you basicly moe yoru whoel body when punching[/spoiler]
*Runs like a coward* Something came up seeya
dont run! *usntabs the knfie and throws it*
*catches* See ya tommorow or something
Darn it.
*grabs forearm stabs armpit with heated knife*
*puts on vanta black cloak to blend in so I wont show up if u look direclty at me* *lets loose multiple bronze daggers* [spoiler]u can here them cutting the air so u can identify 10[/spoiler] [spoiler]this also provides sound cover so I can move silently[/spoiler]