Here's a more accurate map, I recommend this.
After killing the target you only have 1 a minute and a half to find the chest.
If you find a chest try to tell other guardians
It's possible the locations randomize
Where I've found the chests after defeating the target
Forgetten Shore : Near the ship the Fallen occupy, middle ship, small ship near the Warmind building
Skywatch: (Building not the hive crash sight)
Near the downed helicopter next to the shack
On top of the building
Inside the building
Near the entrance to the Mothyards
Ember Caves : The cave leading to the Aksor strike, near the yellow captain
On top of one of the mountains
The Citadel : Near the exit to the endless steps right by to the side and by the entrance from Ember Caves
Tips: Use a sniper to look for green light pillars, they're narrow so look hard.
Use arc damage for shield takedowns
Super Important: Dieing before you get the key will result in you not receiving it, be cautious
Help me by posting where you've found chests and I'll help the community
Who wants to farm these chests on Xbox one, msg me