Might i ask who you are?
[i]slightly bowing[/i] "Arya Drottengur, Elvin Demi-Goddess"
*offers a hand shake* Alejandro Salazar. the Dojos artilelry comander. and Half demon brawler
[i]shakes your hand[/i] "Well met then"
same here. May I ask your buisness here?
[i]averting her gaze to study the land[/i] "I serve under Argyle as his general, but so far I have been mostly exploring the lands, and at that, the secrets they contain" [spoiler].Image from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/47/cc/3647cc5b6c2440548b001ca812da3228.jpg. [/spoiler]
Well tis not always the land where the secrets lie but those who inhavit it. *steps back and extedns hsi arms* *hard ligth flames guanelts cover both arm as a mechancial thrid arm reers up for the right shoulder* *my right eye adquires a LED glow*
[i]studying your transformation[/i] "true, but the lands hold many secrets as well, you just need to have a keen eye"
*unsummons the gaunlets* Well i havnet studied mucha roudn here. at last it has a natural atmosphere. the most improtant palce here woudl eb the Dojo itself as it contains all kind of combat knowledge
[i]a portal opens next to her, as she sticks her arm through it, another opens several yards away at a side shop, as a bottle of wine disappears and in its place some money[/i] "i prefer the arcane, combat helps to, drink?" [i]offers a drink from the bottle[/i]
sure why not. I cant manipulate magic very wel....i foudn my methods of using it but out of them. *tries to create a magic projectile* *the projectile explodes ina huge blast on hsi hand* That happens............
[i]a projection of a dragon floats around my hand[/i] "all i can say is this; each person handles magic differently, your personal magic systems seems to revolve around melee combat, but all i have to say is this: find what you did wrong, and you will eventually right that wrong, and grow from the mistake"
well I studied hwo to contorl my Aura its an Rage aura but its so unstable it explodes. the half demon i got isnide me helps on some ranged stuff. (ARM)*the mechanical thrid arm opens its demon eye* I used to be a might demon strategist. but this brute maganed to kill me and reclaimed my rght arm as his, i consider this my punishent for dying to a Human. I also make up all hsi comabt strategy. (Me) i dont remember doing anything wrong. i nebver managed to really relax my mind is always full of ideas. the monks that thought me and my Sister to use our hour always told me that i had to learn to meditate but i jsut.....Cant. aint my thing. i was then kicked when i turned learned to manfest spiritul inestability as a explsoive.
"Aye, youll get the hand of it all
i hope so. Maybe then ill be able to hold my berzerker rage (ultimate) for a longer time.
[i]preparing to leave[/i] "good, i best be going to, Argyle looks ready to start a fight over there"
good luck then
*scorpion walks up to you* And you are?
[i]noticing[/i] "Arya Drottengur, an Elf-Demigoddess... And you are?" [spoiler].Image from https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/47/cc/3647cc5b6c2440548b001ca812da3228.jpg. [/spoiler]
*eyes widen* OH MAN!
Now don't get attracted for no reason young one...
I was Hanzo Hasashi, now they call me Scorpion.
"I've heard of you around these parts"
Since when?
"Since I've first visited here, I've heard of you around here, not that it's bad or anything, just curious to who you are"