Assassin: *laughs* of course, listen... You can just kill me right now, I have realized my wrongdoings and feel that I deserve death as a punishment.
No you deserve to live. The reason being you can help
Assassin: oh, okay, I wasn't expecting something like this. How can I help?
You can help me by telling me where the person that hired you resides and maybe you can join my ranks as well
Yes, okay, here are the coordinates.*tells you the coordinates for a large building north of here* there are entrances through the side aswell, just input the code 1-0-25 into the touchpad.
Thanks for the help. Now go somewhere you'll be safe
Assassin:Thanks.*walks to a cave and begins making food* *is back in human form* so, we now have the coordinates for a corrupt organization that tries to kill me, good.
Yeah at least it makes things a bit easier
Hmm... I think I can possibly hack the security, giving both of us free access to the place.
That would be helpful
I can get on that right now.* a shade materializes and hands me a hacking device* now, you might be confused as to what happen back there right?*begins hacking the security of the building*
A bit [spoiler]should we continue this here or move it over to the RP thread you made[/spoiler]
[spoiler]we can just stay here[/spoiler] Well, it was a transformation I can now do, I can control when it happens.* keeps hacking* okay... Now logging into the main security... Username valentine..... Password is jayvincent.... This is child's play.
Good to know
Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 5/16/2015 1:31:59 AMWhat kind of password is Jay Vincent? Confuses me.*turns off security and automated turrets around the building*
Only the owner could know *checks handguns*
Okay, building is dead and ready to be breached.*hands hacking device back to a shade*
Alright then *draws katana* Where should I cut?
Well, we are right in front of the building.... Odd I know, you take the left entrance and I take the right
Alright then *heads towards the left entrance*
*heads to the right door and kicks it open, there seems to be a clear path to the top*
*kicks open the left door and it comes off its hinges then comes skidding to a stop 5 feet away*
*hand signals for you to follow me *
*quietly follows you with my gun in my hand*
Edited by Rimidalv Nisom: 5/16/2015 2:01:10 AM*arrives at the doors to the CEO's office and presses handgun against the door*
*waits for your signal*