Hey Bungie,
This suggestion is very similar to the concept of voting on the next Crucible map which has already made it on your list, so I won't go into much detail. I'd just like to request a similar (if not identical) feature for when playing on the Strike playlists.
The only tweak I'd suggest (and this is really just a "six of one half dozen of the other" kind of thing) is allowing players to vote [i]against[/i] the one they don't want to play. For example, at the end of a Strike, players are given a list of three possibilities for the next one, and they can vote against one of them *cough*omnigul*cough*, allowing for the possibility of either of the two others. I fully understand that this tweak goes against convention, potentially generating confusion and therefore being rejected. I think it could be beneficial though, as it would send a very clear signal to Bungie about which Strikes players don't like, as opposed to which Strikes they do. Because let's face it, if players like a Strike, you probably don't need to mess with it. If they don't, I'm guessing you'd like to know which ones, and why, so you can make it better for everyone. This data would help to answer the first part of that question, letting you all focus on the why.
1) Voting on the next Strike will allow players a bit more choice.
2) Data from voting can supplement existing data on Strike completion, giving Bungie a better look at which Strikes players prefer.
3) Helps to engage players during the lull between Strikes.
[i]4) (Benefit of voting against only: some of the randomness of "which Strike is next?" is preserved.)[/i]
Thanks again for listening to community feedback and for making Destiny so much fun. So excited for House of Wolves!
To the community: Do you like this idea? Do you not? Why? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this kind of thing, and any other tweaks you might have for this kind of system.
I think that if you select the strike from the planet then you should be able to change the difficulty and play with how many people you have in your fireteam and if you search for it in the playlist then you should be put with people and I think that a coating system would be good to have in everything, even if people can see what people think are the worst maps in other peoples opinions.