*Kicks down the door*
First person to approach or piss me off is gonna be scooping their bloodied guts up off the floors with no fingers.
-shoots rpg and thousand of bullets and grenades at fletch-
*Is harmed in slightest, as Bar Defence System is protecting me* Surely you knew about it.
I did. That's why I brought.... This!!! [url=http://frankly.pitas.com]link[/url]
[spoiler]did you think that link would work?[/spoiler]
It should
It didn't, because that website is blocked on my device.
You sly -blam!-.
Hiya fletch *said in a casual tone from across the room*
*Looks you dead in the eye and slowly pulls out a rusty carving knife*
*aproaches* So u wouldnt hurt a close friend right
I do not know you, nor do I care to know you, but I am certain that if you dare come closer that the pile of blood and flesh and bone that was once you will even fill a tiny thimble.
U wouldnt hurt me [spoiler]or you would have done it already[/spoiler] [spoiler]prepares to be brutaly mutilated just in case[/spoiler]
*Cuts off your fingers, and slashes open your stomach. Then finished by making your arms, legs, and neck into bloody ribbons*
Narrarator: "[b]FATALITY[/b]"