[i]stepping to the side to avoid the attack, you feel a strange sensation as she jabs your sword arm, causing it to go limp, she then steps back a several yards[/i]
I throw aside the axe, and summons my keyblade, casting Esuna [spoiler]it cures most negative effects, cool down: 5 turns[/spoiler]
[i]grunting from her failure, she disappears from sight, when with a fierce battle cry, your feet are knocked out from behind you, she then freezes you in place after you land on your back, and drops the head of her hammer on your chest, picking it back up afterwards [/i]
*is on the ground* [i]damn, she's good[/i] *my AI activates the thrusters connected by neuro net, enablining movement* SpaceWalk *the area is now null-g* [spoiler]cannot be used again, wears off after ten turns, Esuna cooldown: 4 turns[/spoiler]
[i]watching as you take off, she lands on her feet on the ground, the area around her counter reacting the 0-gravity, she stands ready to fight[/i] "Things are always complicated, that last one would have finished you, but your persistent..."
*fires thrusters, and kicks you with extreme force*
[i]trying to throw you off balance with a blow from her hammer, she barely misses after being knocked back several feet[/i]
*presses on, doing a circular slash with my axe*
[i]disappearing a split second before the blow connects, she reappears behind you,slamming you into the ground from a blow with her hammer[/i]
*i taste blood, and my chest appears somewhat ripped, with bone sticking out of the armor*~
[i]she presses on, with another blow from the hammer, she then rips apart the earth, causing you to fall in, and seals the small canyon she created[/i]
*chuckles* that's it? *summons keyblade* *casts curaga* [spoiler]heals me, cooldown, 10 turns[/spoiler] *casts Fireaga* *it blasts a hole in the roof* *i fly out*
[i]before you fly out, you feel something hit your head, causing you to fly back down from the force of the blow, your vision wavers and your hearing starts to go out[/i]
[spoiler]bullshit[/spoiler] *i go up again, using sonic blade to get up* [spoiler]goes at the speed of sound, I literally cannot be hit, cooldown 10 turns[/spoiler]
[i]a portal opens in front of you as you fly, and another beside it, you fly through since you couldn't stop in time, causing you to fly into the ground, where she strikes at you with a blow from her hammer[/i]
*uses shadowcloak of nocturnal, becoming shadow* *i attempt to escape by climbing up the walls using my keyblade as a grip*
[i]seeing you disappear, she stands at the ready to fight, probing the land for any movement[/i]
*bursts out of the shadow, attacking you, jumps into the shadows*
[i]she screams after a cut on her shoulder happens, she then concentrates on calculating your attacks[/i]
*jumps out of the shadows, using Dragons Fire* [spoiler]its a flame thrower that burns humanoid characters worse than other characters[/spoiler]
[i]disappearing in a plume of fire, you feel something hit you in the back, and you fall to the ground[/i]
*twists around, still firing the flames, begins spinning like a ballerina to keep you at bay*
[i]a look of surprise on her, she vanishes again, reappearing several yards away[/i]
*throws a seeker grenade* *throws the flame thrower at you, with another seeker grenade on it*
[i]a bit before they reach her, a portal opens and the flame throwers and the grenade disappear into it, as another opens behind you, and they both reappear, colliding with you[/i]
SHIT! *is in pieces*