* grabs your foot and twists it, forcing you to the ground*
"You should."
* he sends multiple hits to your head pushing your father into the ground*
*Catches a few and counters with an elbow to the mouth and Palm strike to the chest, pushing you away.*
* you do so but all your senses are messed up due to the excessive brain damage* "Now you know" *delivers swift blows to your whole body than ends with a point blank Super Kamehameha*
*Uses Ki to compensate* *Parries blows and elbows you out of the Kamehameha* *ITs above and swarms with Ki blasts*
* Ok...* * blocks and sends some back to you*
*Swats them aside and fires Ki wave*
"Now for my newest ability." * raises hand and ki blast is absorbed*
"The Hell?" *Waits.*
* he IT behind you, grabs the back of your head and absorbs your power* * he jumps away* "That was, refreshing"
*Slams the back of my head into your nose as you absorb* "Bastard." *Gouges your eyes out while kneeing you*
* * grabs your arms while you gouge, absorbing more of your power *
*Puts feet on your chest and push*
* your arms aren't long enough for that to happen, so you try to stand on my chest but your fingers come out of my eyes and you fall like the little cun,t you are* * curbstomps your head while you are on the ground like a bitch*
[spoiler]The fûck?[/spoiler]